Get Weather info from Linux Command Line | Cloud Resolve LLC

I have been using Linux since 1996 and just found out about this quick tip recently so I thought I would share. If you are ever curious about the weather conditions you can quickly access this information from the Linux Command Line. You can use a simple command to find out.

This simple command will give you the current weather for your location:


Or you can specify the location by placing the city at the end of the URL:

curl or 

There is also an optional Windows PowerShell version that seems to require a bit more work:


There is an additional view you can use with possible mixed results depending on your installed fonts.

Alternative URL:


In conclusion, we’ve shown you some of the more fun and interesting Linux commands that you can use to show your geeky side or just have a little bit of fun. We hope you enjoyed learning about them as much as we enjoyed writing this article. What are some of your favorite Linux commands? Let us know in the comments below!

When is technology considered old? | Cloud Resolve LLC

Wondering when it’s time to upgrade your technology? We explore the factors that go into making that decision and help you know when it might be time to let go of your old tech.

There’s always a new, more advanced technology on the horizon. Industry experts are always touting the benefits of staying ahead of the curve, but what about when it comes to your old technology? How long can you hang on to it before you have to make a switch? And is there a point at which hanging on actually becomes more trouble than it’s worth? We’ll take a look at some factors to consider when making that decision.

When is technology considered old?

This is a difficult question to answer, as it varies depending on the type of technology in question. In general, however, most experts agree that technology starts to show its age after about five years. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to immediately start shopping for replacements – in many cases, your old technology will still function depending on its intended role.

Will keeping the dated technology create compliance related issues?

Another factor to consider is whether or not keeping your old technology will create compliance related issues. In certain industries, such as healthcare, there are strict regulations governing the use of technology. If your old technology isn’t compliant with these regulations, it could create serious problems down the line.

What are the support costs associated with this technology?

Are you saving money by keeping this old technology? One way to find out is to calculate the support costs associated with it. This includes things like maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. Are you finding several team members having to dedicate time addressing issues with the old technology?

What is the opportunity cost of not making a switch?

Perhaps the most important factor to consider is the opportunity cost of not making a switch. In other words, what are you missing out on by clinging to your old technology? Newer technologies often offer significant improvements in terms of efficiency and productivity. If you’re not making use of these advancements, you’re likely falling behind your competition. Not only from a technology standpoint but also from a personnel perspective. Your team will feel more confident having current and marketable skills they can apply. Don’t overlook how much the happiness of your internal team can directly affect customer satisfaction.

So while there’s no hard and fast rule for when you should upgrade your technology, it’s important to weigh all of the factors before making a decision. In some cases, it may make more sense to stick with what you have. But in others, it may be time to take the plunge and invest in something new.

Technology is always improving, and what was once the latest and greatest can quickly become outdated. While there’s no need to constantly be on the bleeding edge of technology, there comes a point where hanging on to old technology can spell doom.

So when should you finally make the switch?

There’s no easy answer to this question, as it ultimately depends on your specific situation. However, if you find yourself constantly struggling with outdated technology, it might be time to weigh Pros and Cons of both.

On one hand, newer technology often comes with a learning curve. Your team will need time to adjust and become familiar with the new system. There may also be a period of decreased productivity as everyone gets up to speed.

On the other hand, outdated technology can be costly in terms of maintenance and support. It’s no wonder that so many businesses are making the switch to modern, cloud-based technology. By doing so, they can save on both costs and headaches. If you’re still using outdated technology in your business, it may be time for a change.

Contact us today to learn more about the latest products and how we can help you make the switch to a more efficient future.

Do you operate in Truth? | Cloud Resolve LLC

How can we be honest to the people and companies we work with while still staying loyal to ourselves and our beliefs? Is it ever right to lie or keep secrets? This article explores these questions.

Imagine you are an IT expert who has been called in to assess the security of a company’s systems. During your assessment, you discover that the company is not following best practices – in fact, they are doing quite a few things wrong. Do you report this to the company? Or do you keep quiet and hope that no one will find out? Some people would choose to stay silent. But is this really the right thing to do? Or is it just putting companies at risk?

The right thing to do would be to report the company’s security vulnerabilities to them. By keeping quiet, you are essentially putting the company at risk since they are unaware of the dangers that their systems face. It’s important to remember that as an IT expert, you have a responsibility to help protect companies from these types of risks.

What if they are aware of the issues and don’t care? Do you report them to a higher authority? Do you pretend to see nothing? In this type of scenario, it is difficult to know what the right thing to do is. However, you could argue that it is still your responsibility to report the company’s vulnerabilities to a higher authority, in order to protect other companies and individuals who may be affected by them.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what the right course of action. You may report them and no actions are taken from the ‘higher authority’. The key is that you reported it and did your duty.

Fortunately, I have not been in this situation. I would like to think that I would report the company’s vulnerabilities to them, but it is difficult to say for sure until you are actually in that situation.

What do you think? Would you report the company’s vulnerabilities to them? Or would you keep quiet and hope that no one will find out? Let me know in the comments below.

Using Ansible Automation Platform to maintain a directory | Cloud Resolve LLC

Maintaining an up-to-date directory listing of files and folders can be a daunting task, especially when you have to keep track of permissions, ownership, and changes. Automating the process with Ansible can make it simpler and less error-prone. In this post, we’ll show you how to use Ansible automation platform to maintain a directory on CentOS 7 server. We’ll also discuss some benefits of using Ansible for this purpose. Stay tuned!

What is Ansible and what are its key features?

Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows. Ansible was written by Michael DeHaan and acquired by Red Hat in 2015.

Ansible is agentless, which means that it does not need to install any software on the nodes that it manages. Ansible uses SSH for communication with managed hosts and does not require a centralized management server. It also has a low overhead because it runs in a push mode, meaning that it will only send the necessary commands to the hosts.

Ansible is idempotent, which means that it can run multiple times on the same host without changing the desired state of the system. This is because Ansible will first check the current state of the system before making any changes.

How can Ansible be used to maintain a directory?

Ansible can be used to maintain a directory by ensuring that the files and folders are present, have the correct permissions, and are owned by the correct user. Ansible can also be used to monitor changes to files and directories, and revert back to previous versions if necessary.

What are the benefits of using Ansible for directory maintenance?

Some benefits of using Ansible for directory maintenance include:

– Reduced chance of human error: Since Ansible is automated, there is less chance for human error when compared to manual tasks.

– Idempotency: As mentioned earlier, Ansible is idempotent which means it can run multiple times on the same host without changing the desired state of the system. This is important when maintaining a directory because it ensures that the changes you make will be consistent across all hosts.

– Agentless: Ansible does not require any agent software to be installed on the nodes it manages which means it has a lower overhead.

How can you get started with Ansible for directory maintenance?

If you want to get started with Ansible for directory maintenance, we recommend checking out the Ansible documentation. The documentation is comprehensive and will give you all the information you need to get started. You can also find many resources and tutorials online. Once you have a basic understanding of how Ansible works, you can start writing your own playbooks

In this example we will maintain a directory on a fictional server called where we will need to maintain some dated but useful bash scripts that are used for monitoring. While we fully understand this is bad practice in general to have these kinds of things just sitting around in production, we also know that change is hard.

First a few assumptions are made in that we will assume that Ansible is already installed on your client. Our remote server allows SSH connectivity using only the key. This means your public key shall be defined in the remote server’s authorized_users file. Additionally, you will need a text editor like vim or nano installed on your client machine. While this guide will not go into the configuration of individual editors I will provide the plugins used to configure my vim Editor.

Vim Plugins:




Finally, I highly recommend installing yamllint to validate your YAML files.

With these dependencies out of the way, let’s get started!

Example using Ansible playbook to maintain a directory on a remote server

The first thing we need to do is create our YAML file in our project directory. As this should ideally be self-documenting, I tend to use filenames that make identification easier for me and others who will work on the same files at some point later in time.

My chosen format for this example is as follows:


The name is irrelevant for the most part but I like to add a little extra information in there. The important thing is the .yml extension as this is what Ansible will be looking for. Keep in mind this will not be a detailed document but should provide an example of the most basic requirements for a Playbook.

The next thing we need to do is open our new file in our text editor and start populating it with some content. The first few lines will be dedicated to what is called ‘YAML Front Matter’. This section is used by many systems to provide metadata about the document. For our purposes, it will look something like this:

- name: Testing file copy to grumpy     # Should be run with "-u mariadb"
  become_user: false
  hosts: grumpy
  - src_path: /home/delliott/ansible/scripts/grumpy/mariadb/
  - dest_path: /home/mariadb/.crllc/monitor/
  - valid_path: /home/mariadb/.crllc/monitor/logs
  - owner: mariadb
  - group: dba

Inside this file, we notice the hosts is defined. This tells Ansible what host to validate against. Next we notice the vars section containing a list of variables such as src_path, dest_path and valid_path. These are used to define the source, destination and target for our file copy. The last two lines of interest in the vars section are owner and group. These variables will be used when we need to change the ownership of the files being copied over.

The next section is where we start to get into the ‘meat’ of our Playbook. The tasks section. In here we define the name of the task and actions taken.

The first task is a simple file validation. This is to check if the directory exists on the remote server in the defined location. If it does not exist, we want Ansible to create it for us using the parameters listed in the vars section above. To do this, we use the ‘file’ module and set the state to ‘directory’. But first we set the path, owner, group and mode for the permissions.

    - name: Creates the installation directory if not exist
        path: '{{ valid_path }}'
        owner: '{{ owner }}'
        group: '{{ group }}'
        mode: 0755
        state: directory

With our new task, we can now copy the files from their local directory over to a remote server. This is done using Ansible’s file module and setting it as “copy” with options for creating backups so that we don’t accidentally overwrite any existing data. We also specify where these copies should go by using the previously configuring dest_path from vars.

    - name: Copies the scripts
        src: '{{ src_path }}'
        dest: '{{ dest_path }}'
        owner: '{{ owner }}'
        group: '{{ group }}'
        backup: true

To copy any files you wish to maintain, simply place them in the src_path destination and run ansible-playbook using the below example.

Example: ansible-playbook Grumpy_UAT_orauat_MonitorCopy.yml -u mariadb

You will see a summary screen of the actions taken.

PLAY [Testing file copy to GRUMPY] *************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Creates the installation directory if not exist] *****************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Copies the scripts] **********************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Just a dummy example] ********************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "I'm a dummy task"

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************* : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

As mentioned this was not meant to be an all inclusive tutorial but an overview of the capabilities of Ansible. I hope this provided some clarity into how you can use it maintain files and directories. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks! Thanks for reading! – Cloud Resolve LLC.

Finally, I must place credit squarely on the following site for providing the blueprint to make Vim YAML capable:

The importance of following your dreams | Cloud Resolve LLC

The fear of failure and lack of confidence

Most people have dreams and aspirations, but very few actually follow through with them. Why is this? There can be many reasons – fear of failure, lack of confidence, not knowing where to start. But if you want to achieve your dreams, you need to take that first step.

Start by writing down your goals. What actions do you need to take to accomplish those dreams? Personally, I was content with remaining in my comfort zone and somewhat still there. But the fact that I have taken actionable steps toward my goals are very comforting. When taking a road trip, you don’t start at the destination. You plan a route and accept the adventure involved with reaching your destination.

If you want to achieve your goal, you need to have faith in yourself. You need to believe that you can do it. And then take that first step. The rest will follow.

Goals are essential for our mental and emotional well-being. They inspire us, motivate us. And if we don’t have Goals, what do we have to look forward to? Life can be pretty boring without them. So, find your dream and go after it.

Ensure you’re surrounding yourself with people who are motivated and of similar mind. You will also get a lot of advice, some solicited and some unsolicited. You need to be very careful about who you take that advice from. Only listen to those whose opinion you value and who have your best interests at heart.

One frequent piece of advice I see given is to “just start”. And that’s really good advice. Also, the people you share your ideas with may tend to have questions or remarks that may come across as negative. However, don’t be easily offended as these questions may originate from genuine curiosity. Maintain focus on your destination. You never know who is watching or motivated in a positive manner by your actions. 

Take the first step today. And keep taking steps every day. One day you’ll look back and be amazed at how far you’ve come. So don’t give up on your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be. Follow your heart and go after what you want in life.

You have to ask yourself. What is stopping you from achieving your dreams? Is it a lack of time? Money? Support? Fear? None of these should be an issue. You can make time, save money, and find support. As for fear, that’s something you’ll have to deal with your entire life. It’s natural.

The point is you will have to deal with obstacles, but if you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen. Just know that not everyone will understand your dreams, and some will try to dissuade you from achieving them. Surround yourself with people who support your dreams and who will help you achieve them. If that is not possible be willing motivate yourself. Don’t be afraid to proudly walk alone.

So, listen to that inner voice and start making moves. I am a man of faith and truly believe that if something has truly been laid forth for you by God. Who can deny you? Just know that if your dreams don’t scare you then they aren’t big enough.

When you find something that inspires a fire in the soul, don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.
Be fearless when pursuing those things which set our inner compass true North!

I will leave you with this final thought:

“The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.”

Kobe Bryant